Dual Base Metal Catalysis for Alkene and Hydrogen Production via Acceptorless and Selective Dehydrogenation of Alkanes
Princeton Docket # 15-3117
Researchers in the Department of Chemistry at Princeton University have developed a new catalyst combination, comprising of a tungsten-based polyoxometalate and cobaloxime, in order to dehydrogenate alkanes...
Published: 3/15/2018
Inventor(s): Erik Sorensen, Julian West
Keywords(s): catalyst, Chemistry, organic synthesis, petrochemical, research tool
Category(s): Chemistry
Transition Metal Catalysts for Olefin Polymerization
Princeton Docket # 14-3038
Presently, only free radical copolymerizations of ethylene and polar industrial monomers (e.g, vinyl acetate or acrylic acid) at high temperatures and very high pressures have been commercialized. This existing technology, however, inherently lacks precise control over...
Published: 3/15/2018
Inventor(s): Brad Carrow, Wei Zhang
Keywords(s): catalyst, Chemistry, polymer chemistry
Category(s): Chemistry
Metal@Polymer Nanoparticles by Simultaneous Precipitation
and Reduction
Princeton Docket #14-3014
Researchers in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Princeton University have developed a simple one-step synergistic preparation of metal nanoparticles within spherical polymer nanoparticles through Flash NanoPrecipitation(FNP)....
Published: 3/15/2018
Inventor(s): Rodney Priestley, Robert Prud'homme, Rui Liu, Chris Sosa
Keywords(s): catalyst, Chemistry, drug delivery, energy, Imaging, nanotechnology
Category(s): Chemistry
Yolk-Shell Nanostructures via One-Step Core-Shell-Shell Template
Princeton Docket #14-2983
Yolk-shell nanoparticles are characterized by a movable core encapsulated inside a polymer or inorganic shell. At present, only a few ingenious routes for the generation of yolk-shell nanoparticles exist. These methods require cumbersome synthesis, multi-step...
Published: 3/15/2018
Inventor(s): Rodney Priestley, Rui Liu
Keywords(s): catalyst, Chemistry, drug delivery
Category(s): Chemistry
Polymer Janus Nanoparticles By Flash NanoPrecipitation
Princeton Docket # 14-2981
Janus particles are characterized by two physically distinct regions within or on the surface of the particle. Polymer Janus nanoparticles, in particular, contain at least two different polymer regions. At present, only a few ingenious routes for the generation of...
Published: 3/15/2018
Inventor(s): Rodney Priestley, Robert Prud'homme, Chris Sosa
Keywords(s): biomarker/diagnostic, Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, catalyst, Chemistry, drug delivery, Imaging
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices/Diagnostics, Chemistry
An Efficient, Green Process for Cyanide Decontamination in Water
Princeton Docket # 14-2955
This innovation is an improvement to a previously patent pending process for the catalytic generation of chlorine dioxide, Princeton docket # 11-2630/2714, US Patent Publication 2013-0209573, “An Efficient, Catalytic and Scalable Method to Produce Chlorine...
Published: 3/15/2018
Inventor(s): John Groves, Thomas Umile, Christina Chang
Keywords(s): catalyst, Chemistry, energy, green tech, wastewater management, water
Category(s): Chemistry
A novel automated
computational method for calculating atomic mappings for chemical
Princeton Docket # 13-2860-1
Researchers at Chemical
and Biological Engineering in Princeton University have developed a novel
method for computing atomic mappings for chemical
Reaction mapping can be used to infer which bonds break and form...
Published: 3/15/2018
Inventor(s): Christodoulos Floudas (deceased) See Fotini P. Baba, Eric First, Chrysanthos Gounaris
Keywords(s): catalyst, Chemistry, computers/software, research tool
Category(s): Chemistry, Computers and Software
A novel isotope labeling method for labeling aromatic organic compounds
Princeton Docket # 13-2854-1
Researchers at Princeton University have developed a novel isotope labeling method for labeling aromatic organic compounds with deuterium or tritium gas by use of proprietary iron-based catalysts.
Introduction of radioactive isotopes into pharmaceutical...
Published: 3/15/2018
Inventor(s): Paul Chirik, Renyuan (pony) Yu, Jonathan Darmon
Keywords(s): catalyst, Chemistry
Category(s): Chemistry
Princeton Docket # 12-2801
Catalytic asymmetric hydrogenation reactions are important to
prepare single enantiomer drugs, agrochemicals and fragrances. Present technologies for such reactions
involve catalysts based on iridium, rhodium, platinum, and ruthenium. These precious metals are expensive,
toxic, have fluctuations in supply and pose environmental...
Published: 3/15/2018
Inventor(s): Max Friedfeld, Paul Chirik
Keywords(s): catalyst, Chemistry, green tech
Category(s): Chemistry, Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals
Princeton Docket #s 12-2718-1, 12-2719-1, 12-2720-1
Homogeneous catalysis with transition metals has transformed the art and science of chemical synthesis. The industrial synthesis of most commodity and fine chemicals, including pharmaceuticals, rely on one or more transition metal catalyzed steps. Traditionally these catalysts are based on precious...
Published: 3/15/2018
Inventor(s): Paul Chirik, Sebastien Monfette
Keywords(s): catalyst, Chemistry, green tech, platform technology
Category(s): Chemistry, Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals