Search Results - computers+and+software

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Trendme- Ratings in Real Time for Bettter Decisions for Consumer Goods and for Providers in Improved Services and Goods

Trendme - Ratings in Real Time for Better Decisions for Consumers and for Providers in Improved Services and GoodsDocket # 21-3769Researchers in the Department of Sociology at Princeton University and in the Department of Psychology at Hunter College have developed a new process by which consumers and/or producers of goods and/or services can organize...
Published: 3/25/2022   |   Inventor(s): Dalton Conley, Ofer Tchernichovski
Category(s): Computers and Software

A Behavior-based AI Consciousness Test

Princeton Docket # 18-3370As artificial intelligence becomes more integrated into our lives, there is an increasing need to probe whether it can be conscious. If a given type of AI is conscious (i.e., if it feels like something to be an AI) ethical considerations can halt its marketability. Further, testing is key to determine how AI consciousness impacts...
Published: 2/5/2018   |   Inventor(s): Edwin Turner, Susan Schneider
Category(s): Computers and Software

Tracking a Smartphone User Around the World

Accurately Tracking a Smart Device Using Non-GPS Based Sensor DataPrinceton Docket # 16-3275With the rapid proliferation of smart devices such as wearables, cell phones, and self-driving cars, high-accuracy location-tracking services have become increasingly important. Previous high-accuracy techniques have used GPS data, but this can carry significant...
Published: 1/29/2018   |   Inventor(s): Arsalan Mosenia, Xiaoliang Dai, Prateek Mittal, Niraj Jha
Category(s): Computers and Software

CABA: Continuous Authentication Based on BioAura

Continuous Authentication for CybersecurityPrinceton Docket # 16-3233Computing devices and servers need to be protected against unauthorized access, because such systems may store sensitive information, and the information can be used to access other restricted systems and resources. Most computer systems only authenticate users once at the time of...
Published: 1/29/2018   |   Inventor(s): Arsalan Mosenia, Susmita SuR-Kolay, Anand Raghunathan, Niraj Jha
Category(s): Computers and Software

Hardware/Software Architecture for Improving the Safety of Implantable and Wearable Medical Devices

Hardware/Software Architecture for Improving the Safety of Implantable and Wearable Medical DevicesPrinceton Docket # 16-3226-1Implantable and wearable medical devices (IWMDs) have become increasingly sophisticated over the years and are now commonly equipped with advanced features. However, unsafe operations of IWMDs such as software bugs, malicious...
Published: 1/29/2018   |   Inventor(s): Niraj Jha, Younghyun Kim, Vijay Raghunathan, Anand Raghunathan
Category(s): Computers and Software

Distributed Intelligence Architecture for Real-Time Control, Protection and Instrumentation Systems

Princeton Docket # 16-3182-1Researchers at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory have combined concepts of data flow prioritization management, cognitive neuroscience, and smart sensing to create a distributed intelligence network.Architecture of complex, high-speed, real-time Instrumentation, Acquisition, Control and Protection systems are typically...
Published: 3/6/2018   |   Inventor(s): Hans Schneider, Greg Tchilinguirian
Category(s): Computers and Software

Drone Detection, Video Feed Interception and Pilot Locating System

A Comprehensive System for Drone Detection and Pilot Location Princeton Docket # 16-3176-1Researchers at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University have designed a comprehensive, multi-dimensional intelligence system to detect, track, determine intent and locate drones and their operator’s position. Several detection methods such...
Published: 3/6/2018   |   Inventor(s): Kevin Lamb
Category(s): Computers and Software

An Architecture for Security Health Monitoring and Attestation in Cloud Computing

Princeton Docket # 15-3171-1Researchers at Princeton University, Department of Electrical Engineering, have developed a distributed architecture to monitor and attest the security health of cloud customers' virtual machines (VMs) in a cloud computing system.Cloud providers want to monitor VMs to provide a secure and efficient computing environment to...
Published: 1/29/2018   |   Inventor(s): Ruby Lee, Tianwei Zhang
Keywords(s): computers/software, cyber security, data security
Category(s): Computers and Software

Method for Facilitating Pattern Recognition by Unsupervised Neural Networks

Docket # 15-3161Exponential increases in computing and imaging technology have both enabled and necessitated machine-based alternatives to human image analysis. To solve this challenge, computer scientists have created multi-layer artificial neural networks (ANNs), a field colloquially known as “deep learning”. The most successful of these...
Published: 2/6/2018   |   Inventor(s): Michael Berry, ii
Category(s): Computers and Software

Speeding Up the Convergence of Network Devices Using Low-Cost SDN Switches

Princeton Docket # 15-3153-1Researchers at Princeton University, Department of Computer Science, along with researchers at ETH Zürich have proposed a solution to speed up the convergence time following a network equipment failure. Analyses show that an increase in network delay of a few hundred milliseconds can translate into millions of dollars...
Published: 2/28/2018   |   Inventor(s): Michael Chang, Laurent Vanbever, Thomas Holterbach
Category(s): Computers and Software
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