Search Results - defense

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Graphene Excitable Laser for Photonic Spike Processing

Graphene Excitable Laser Princeton Docket # 14-2965 Researchers in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University have demonstrated a novel excitable laser employing passively Q-switching with a graphene-based saturable absorber (SA). Princeton is seeking an industry collaborator to commercialize this technology. Graphene, a Nobel...
Published: 3/15/2018   |   Inventor(s): Bhavin Shastri, Mitchell Nahmias, Alexander Tait, Paul Prucnal
Keywords(s): defense, laser, neuroscience, Opto-Electronics/ELE ENG
Category(s): Opto-Electronics/ Electrical Engineering

Fueling Method for Small, Steady-State, Aneutronic FRC Fusion Reactors

Fueling Method for Small, Steady-State, Aneutronic FRC Fusion Reactors Princeton Docket # 14-2962 Researchers at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory at Princeton University have disclosed a method to efficiently supply controlled and accurately timed amounts of deuterium and the rare element, 3He, to the core of small field-reversed-configuration...
Published: 3/15/2018   |   Inventor(s): Samuel Cohen, Daren Stotler, Michael Buttolph
Keywords(s): aerospace, defense, energy, plasma physics
Category(s): Chemistry

A Computational Model for Precisely Decoding Complex Chemical Mixtures with Chemosensory Arrays

Princeton Docket # 10-2599 To date, analysis of chemosensory array (¿artificial nose¿) data has been generally limited to ¿fingerprinting¿ or ¿pattern recognition¿ methods of data analysis. These methods do not factor in the physical nature of mixed, cross-inhibitory signals from multiple ligands. This means that chemosensory arrays based on non-specific...
Published: 3/15/2018   |   Inventor(s): James Broach, Addison Ault, Alex Morozov, Julia Tsitron
Keywords(s): computers/software, defense, medical device, platform technology
Category(s): Computers and Software, Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals