Search Results - arsalan+mosenia

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Tracking a Smartphone User Around the World

Accurately Tracking a Smart Device Using Non-GPS Based Sensor DataPrinceton Docket # 16-3275With the rapid proliferation of smart devices such as wearables, cell phones, and self-driving cars, high-accuracy location-tracking services have become increasingly important. Previous high-accuracy techniques have used GPS data, but this can carry significant...
Published: 1/29/2018   |   Inventor(s): Arsalan Mosenia, Xiaoliang Dai, Prateek Mittal, Niraj Jha
Category(s): Computers and Software

CABA: Continuous Authentication Based on BioAura

Continuous Authentication for CybersecurityPrinceton Docket # 16-3233Computing devices and servers need to be protected against unauthorized access, because such systems may store sensitive information, and the information can be used to access other restricted systems and resources. Most computer systems only authenticate users once at the time of...
Published: 1/29/2018   |   Inventor(s): Arsalan Mosenia, Susmita SuR-Kolay, Anand Raghunathan, Niraj Jha
Category(s): Computers and Software