Method for Synchronizing the Phase and Frequency of Two or More Wireless Transmissions



            Researchers at Princeton University have developed a system and method for multi-node beamforming, a method/protocol of synchronizing two or more independent wireless transmitters to enable transmission as a ¿virtual array antenna¿ which can lower overall needed transmission power (increasing battery life), increase the signal to noise ratio at the receiver, and lower the signal quality for any eavesdroppers.   The new technology solves prior issues with distributed beamforming systems related to the alignment (synchronization) of phases and frequencies of the transmitters.  Princeton is currently seeking an industrial collaborator to commercialize this technology.


Distributed beamforming has several advantages. By focusing the transmission toward the intended destination less transmit power is needed to achieve a desired signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) target.  This feature is particularly appealing in wireless communication systems with energy-constrained nodes, such as sensor networks.  In these types of systems, nodes are typically too small to allow for the use of conventional antenna arrays.  The method can be applied to wireless communications networks having any number of M>1 stationary or mobile source nodes, each of which is capable only of half-duplex transmission and reception, and none of which have knowledge of their local time or their location within the network. The effects of Doppler shifts and moving platforms are also accounted for, and the present invention can also be applied to acoustic communications networks, i.e., networks of nodes which communicate using acoustic waves


It is anticipated that this technology will be useful in Long Term Evolution wireless technologies (LTE).  Patent protection is pending.


            For more information please contact:


                        William H. Gowen

                        Office of Technology Licensing and Intellectual Property

                        Princeton University

                        4 New South Building

                        Princeton, NJ 08544-0036

                        (609) 258-6762

                        (609) 258-1159 fax


Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
William Gowen
Licensing Associate
Princeton University
H. Vincent Poor
Donald Brown
Boyang (barry) Zhang
Opto-Electronics/ELE ENG