Princeton Docket # 15-3149-1Researchers at Princeton University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, have developed a method to reduce the drag on solid objects opposed to fluid flow. Most liquid repellent surfaces are superhydrophobic, which contain pockets of air within surface roughness. Traditional air-water drag reduction surfaces...
Published: 3/5/2018
Inventor(s): Marcus Hultmark, Alexander Smits, Howard Stone, Matthew Fu, Brian Rosenberg, Jason Wexler, Ian Jacobi
Category(s): Ceramics/Material Sciences
Princeton Docket # 15-3089-1Researchers at Princeton University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, have proposed an improvement to the current design and fabrication of liquid-infused surfaces. Rough or patterned surfaces, when chemically treated and infused with a lubricating, superhydrophobic liquid, have been shown to repel liquid....
Published: 3/15/2018
Inventor(s): Jason Wexler, Ian Jacobi, Howard Stone, Marcus Hultmark
Category(s): Ceramics/Material Sciences
Fast Response Humidity Sensor
Princeton Docket # 14-2947
Researchers in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University have developed a fast response humidity sensor. Conventional humidity sensors rely on principles such as radiation absorption or capacitance of the air. This new sensor produces high frequency humidity...
Published: 3/15/2018
Inventor(s): Marcus Hultmark, Gilad Arwatz, Yuyang Fan, Margit Vallikivi
Keywords(s): earth science, MEMS
Category(s): Opto-Electronics/ Electrical Engineering