Search Results - anti-viral

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Novel Cell Line for Hepatitis B Drug Discovery and Research

Novel Cell Line for Hepatitis B Drug Discovery and Research Princeton Docket # 15-3077 Researchers in the Department of Molecular Biology at Princeton University have developed a novel cell line that is susceptible to hepatitis B and delta infections (HBV, HDV). This cell culture system will allow the viruses and the host factors that modulate the...
Published: 3/15/2018   |   Inventor(s): Alexander Ploss, Benjamin Winer
Keywords(s): anti-infectives, anti-viral, biomarker/diagnostic, Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, infectious disease, life science research tools, research tool, therapeutic, vaccines, virology
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals

Three Dimensional Multi-resolution Microscope (3DMM) for High-definition Imaging of Cell-biological Events

Docket # 13-2834-1The market for biological microscopes is greater than $1 billion annually. There is a high demand in the biomedical research field for microscopes which are capable of resolving ever smaller features and faster dynamics in live cells. However, currently available biological microscopes are limited in their ability to follow phenomena...
Published: 3/15/2018   |   Inventor(s): Haw Yang, Kevin Welsher
Keywords(s): anti-infectives, anti-viral, Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, cancer/oncology, Imaging, life science research tools, microscopy, research tool
Category(s): Medical Devices/Diagnostics, Chemistry, Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals

A Target and Screening System for the Identification of therapeutic candidates against secondary viral infections in cancer and immunocompromised diseaes

A target and screening system for the identification of therapeutic candidates against secondary viral infections in cancer and immunocompromised diseases Docket # 12-2771 Researchers in the molecular biology department at Princeton University, together with researchers in the department of microbiology and immunology, School of Medicine, University...
Published: 3/15/2018   |   Inventor(s): Danna Hargett, Stephen St. Jeor, Lisa Keyes, Mariana Bego
Keywords(s): anti-viral, cancer/oncology, drug target, human cytomegalovirus, immunocompromised
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals